Induced gravitational waves as a probe of thermal history of the universe


The scalar perturbation induced gravitational waves are a probe of the primordial density perturbation spectrum on small scales. In this paper, we show that they can also probe the thermal history of the universe. We assume the universe underwent a stage with a constant equation of state parameter w, followed by the radiation-dominated stage of the conventional big bang universe. We find that the infrared slope of the power spectrum of the induced stochastic gravitational wave background for decelerating cosmologies is related to the equation of state of the universe. Furthermore, the induced gravitational wave spectrum has in general a broken power-law shape around the scale of reheating. Interestingly, below the threshold w=0 of the equation of state parameter, the broken power-law presents a peak for a dirac delta peak in the scalar spectrum. For a finite width peak, the threshold changes to w=115 depending on the value of the width. In some cases, such a broken power-law gravitational wave spectrum may degenerate to the spectrum from other sources like phase transitions or global cosmic strings.

Guillem Domènech
Researcher in gravity and cosmology

I am an Emmy Noether Research Group Leader at the Insitute for Theoretical Physics at the Leibniz University Hannover. My research focuses in various aspects of cosmology, gravity and particle physics.