Early Universe

Probing non-Gaussianities with the high frequency tail of induced gravitational waves

We investigate in detail the spectrum of gravitational waves induced by a peaked primordial curvature power spectrum generated in single-field inflationary models. We argue that the fNL parameter can be inferred by measuring the high frequency …

Approximate gauge independence of the induced gravitational wave spectrum

Gravitational waves (GWs) induced by scalar curvature fluctuations are an important source of the cosmological GW background and a crucial counterpart of the primordial black hole scenario. However, doubts have been cast on the theoretically …

Gravitational wave constraints on the primordial black hole dominated early universe

We calculate the gravitational waves (GWs) induced by the density fluctuations due to inhomogeneous distribution of primordial black holes (PBHs) in the case where PBHs eventually dominate and reheat the universe by Hawking evaporation. The initial …

NANOGrav Hints on Planet-Mass Primordial Black Holes

Recently, the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOGrav) claimed the detection of a stochastic common-spectrum process of the pulsar timing array (PTA) time residuals from their 12.5 year data, which might be the first …

Neutrino masses, vacuum stability and quantum gravity prediction for the mass of the top quark

A general prediction from asymptotically safe quantum gravity is the approximate vanishing of all quartic scalar couplings at the UV fixed point beyond the Planck scale. A vanishing Higgs doublet quartic coupling near the Planck scale translates into …

Induced gravitational waves as a probe of thermal history of the universe

The scalar perturbation induced gravitational waves are a probe of the primordial density perturbation spectrum on small scales. In this paper, we show that they can also probe the thermal history of the universe. We assume the universe underwent a …

Induced gravitational waves in a general cosmological background

Gravitational waves are inevitably produced by second order terms in cosmological perturbation theory. Most notably, the so-called induced gravitational waves are a window to the small scales part of the primordial spectrum of fluctuations and a key …

Gravitational wave cosmology

What can gravitational waves tell us about cosmology?


Intergalactic magnetic fields generated in the early universe?

New physics in the CMB

What can we learn from the cosmic microwave background?