Cosmological disformal invariance


The invariance of physical observables under disformal transformations is considered. It is known that conformal transformations leave physical observables invariant. However, whether it is true for disformal transformations is still an open question. In this paper, it is shown that a pure disformal transformation without any conformal factor is equivalent to rescaling the time coordinate. Since this rescaling applies equally to all the physical quantities, physics must be invariant under a disformal transformation, that is, neither causal structure, propagation speed nor any other property of the fields are affected by a disformal transformation itself. This fact is presented at the action level for gravitational and matter fields and it is illustrated with some examples of observable quantities. We also find the physical invariance for cosmological perturbations at linear and high orders in perturbation, extending previous studies. Finally, a comparison with Horndeski and beyond Horndeski theories under a disformal transformation is made.

Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Guillem Domènech
Researcher in gravity and cosmology

I am an Emmy Noether Research Group Leader at the Insitute for Theoretical Physics at the Leibniz University Hannover. My research focuses in various aspects of cosmology, gravity and particle physics.